Stage 3: Inspired by the events of 2020 when the world went into lock down.
The Government has ordered everyone to go into Stage 3 restrictions. You play the role of a health worker and with your team (3 other players) work together to slow the spread of infections and limit the number of patients heading to the ICU. If you succeed the government will ease restrictions.
You have 14 days to get much needed supplies of medicine, food, toilet paper, face masks and sanitiser to each city before it's too late. Once a city has hit its maximum infection rate the ICU starts filling up, if you get 8 patients in the ICU and it is game over. If you manage to get through the 14 days with less than 8 ICU patients, you win.
The gameplay is simple, a player will pick up an infection card, place the infections into the city/cities described on the card then move 2 spaces. There are 4 different board spaces for a player to land on:
BLUE Health space - player picks up First Aid cards
RED Infection space - player picks up infection cards
BLACK ICU space - player adds a patient to the ICU
GREY City space - player uses health cards to combat infections and add supplies
What makes this tricky is the rule of Social Distancing. If a player lands on a space next to another player every city receives one extra infection. This creates constant conflict for the players movement. A player might have supplies needed to help a city, but another player is in their way. Players are constantly working together to find the best and most efficient way to move around the board.
The original stock of Stage 3 has Sold out. We will not be re producing this version of the game as we have our minds set on a new updated version that will be more relevant to how the government has handled the plandemic and where we might be headed in the future.
Place shuffled health cards here
Place shuffled infection cards here
Place player token
Dr Jones here
Place player token
Dr Carter here
Place player token Dr Pollard here
Place player token Dr Cox here
Place day token here
Health Cards x 66
Sanitiser Tokens x 6
Infection Tokens x 36
Infection Cards x 56
Tokens x 12
Face Mask
Toilet Paper
Day Token x 1
Dr Tokens x 16
Player Cards x 4
Player Tokens x 4
ICU Tokens x 8
Each player card has the procedure for the game, and the order for the players. On the back of each card is the essential rules for the game. At the beginning of the game players will have their Dr card, 4x Dr tokens and only their player token placed on the board
Player token for
Dr Jones
Player token for
Dr Pollard
4 x Dr tokens for
Dr Jones
4 x Dr tokens for
Dr Pollard
Player token for
Dr Carter
Player token for
Dr Cox
4 x Dr tokens for
Dr Carter
4 x Dr tokens for
Dr Cox
Where the player lands
Health - Pick up the number of Health Cards on the space.
Infections - Pick up the number of Infection Cards on the space. And place infections into cities
ICU - Add the number of ICU's into the ICU.
City - Player can use health cards.
Around the city
When a player gives a city Food, Toilet Paper or Face Masks place token on corresponding icon (cities vary with needed supplies) Tokens remain for the rest of the game.
When a player gives a city sanitiser place sanitiser token here. Remove sanitiser after day 7 (reset)
When a player is at a city place one of their Dr token into one of these squares
Infection tokens go here when a city receives an infection (6 total) Players remove infections from board when medicine cards are used.
When you receive an ICU place ICU token here. Continue to place ICU tokens from left to right when required
If you have 8 ICU's it's game over
Can only be used once the player lands at a city*. Players can use as many as they have available.
Once a card is used, place card onto a discard pile.
Medicine - Every medicine will take away 1 infection. There are cards with multiple medicines
Sanitiser - Once placed at a town, that town is immune from further infections for the remaining turns during that week. At the end of day 7 all sanitisers are removed from cities.
Face Mask - Place token at City. Only one Face Mask token per city. Once at a city the token remains for the remainder of the game. Every city without a token at the end of the game will add score. See scoring for more details
Toilet Paper - Place token at City. Only one Toilet Paper token per city. Once at a city the token remains for the remainder of the game. Every city without a token at the end of the game will add score. See scoring for more details
Food - Place token at City. Only one Food token per city. Once at a city the token remains for the remainder of the game. Every city without a token at the end of the game will add score. See scoring for more details
Recovery - This recovers a person from the ICU. Take off one ICU token. *Players can use this card at any time on their turn. They do not need to be at a town.
Take - The player can take a card from another player. *Players can use this card at any time on their turn. They do not need to be at a town.
Infections - Infections are added to each city described on card. Once infection card is used place onto a discard pile
Stage 3 is a 4 player corporative game. You will work together to slow the spread of infections, and limit the number of patients in the ICU. We encourage players to talk together about their strategy and how they can help each other out.
Social distancing - There must be at least 1 board space between all players at all times. If a player lands on a board space next to another player, one infection will be added to every city. There may be times the player has no choice but to give every city infections.
The red player can only move onto the blank spaces. If they land on an X space every city will receive an infection
There are no safe spaces around this player
Players - must move two spaces per turn. However you can move into a city with only one move.
City – When a city has six infections, one ICU is added for each new infection after surpassing the 6 infections to that particular city. Do not put extra infection tokens into city, only add the ICU patient.
Each player can only visit the same City once within the week. (e.g. if a player has visited Melbourne, they cannot visit Melbourne again in that week) When at a city, place a Dr token next to the city. This will help remind you of what cities you have visited. At reset (after day 7) remove all Dr tokens from cities.
If a player is located at a city on day 7 and reset has occurred, the player may use any health cards for that city before moving on their turn. This will mean they can not return to this city for the remainder of the game. Player will place their Dr token at the city. If they do not use any Health cards on their turn they may still return to this city during the game.
14 days - Once every player has had their turn (after Dr Cox's turn) move the day token one space forward.
At the end of the first week (day 7) pick up all the discarded health cards, shuffle them and place underneath the remaining health cards. Pick up all the discarded infection cards, shuffle them and place underneath the remaining infection cards.
Remove all sanitiser tokens from cities, and all Dr tokens from cities.
At the end of the second week (day 14) the game is finished, add up your score to see if you have won. See scoring for more details.
ICU - If there are 8 ICU patients the team has lost and it's game over
Scoring happens at the end of the 14 days.
Every infection within cities
+10 Points
Every Toilet Paper, Food and Face mask icon with no token
For every 100 points add 1 ICU
Less than 8 ICU’s your team have successfully taken the community out of Stage 3 restrictions
+25 Points
For the competitive people - This option is for those who choose it.
Stage 3 is a team game and the objective is to win as a team. We understand that people still like to compete against each other. So we designed a scoring system to see who is the most effective at playing Stage 3.
Players will score every time they eliminate an infection from a town and when they remove a patient from the ICU
Recovered Infections
Recovered ICU
Add these scores for each player as the game progresses. At the end of the game add all scores up to see who was the best player.
+10 Points
+50 Points
After setting up the board with cards, player tokens and day token.​
Dr Jones - pick up 1 infection card and place infections into the cities described on the card.
Now moves two spaces.
Where does the Dr Jones land
BLUE Health space - player picks up Firsts Aid cards
RED Infection space - player picks up Infection cards
BLACK ICU space - player adds a patient to the ICU
GREY City space - player uses health cards to combat infections and add supplies
Now Dr Carter's turn
Dr Carter - pick up 1 infection card and place infections into the cities described on the card.
Now moves two spaces.
Where does the Dr Carter land
BLUE Health space - player picks up First Aid cards
RED Infection space - player picks up Infection cards
BLACK ICU space - player adds a patient to the ICU
GREY City space - player uses health cards to combat infections and add supplies
Now Dr Pollard's turn
Dr Pollard - pick up 1 infection card and place infections into the cities described on the card.
Now moves two spaces.
Where does the Dr Pollard land
BLUE Health space - player picks up First Aid cards
RED Infection space - player picks up Infection cards
BLACK ICU space - player adds a patient to the ICU
GREY City space - player uses health cards to combat infections and add supplies
Now Dr Cox's turn
Dr Cox - picks up 1 infection card and place infections into the cities described on the card.
Now moves two spaces.
Where does the Dr Jones land
BLUE Health space - player picks up First Aid cards
RED Infection space - player picks up Infection cards
BLACK ICU space - player adds a patient to the ICU
GREY City space - player uses health cards to combat infections and add supplies
Now Dr Jone's turn
Remove all sanitisers and Dr tokens from cities
Shuffle all discarded Health cards and place under remaining Health cards.
Shuffle all discarded Infection cards and place under remaining Infection cards
Continue playing through the next 7 days.
At the end of the 14 days, the game is finished
Add up your score (see SCORING for more details) to see if your team has successfully removed the community out of Stage 3 restrictions