Well, here we are on our third name iteration. The original placeholder name, "Let's Go Brandon Burrito Blast," gave way to a clever suggestion from a friend, resulting in the catchy "Let's Taco Brandon." However, navigating the shifting landscape of sensitivities posed challenges. Even though our game thrived on satire, app store approval remained elusive due to potential offense. Thus, we embarked on another renaming journey, settling on "Let's Go Burrito." With Brandon references excised, we undertook adjustments to various levels. While I pen this, the updated build is yet to undergo submission. We hold our breath, fervently hoping for approval.
The process of erasing references necessitated the recreation of a logo, initiation animation, and a slew of fresh assets. With most levels near completion, weeks were dedicated to game playthroughs, refining difficulty. Striking the right balance, a Herculean task for designers, demands audience testing – a stage looming just weeks away. A modicum of anxiety tingles, a gnawing question – if players don't find it challenging and enjoyable, what's our next move? A year's worth of evenings and weekends poured into this project, potentially culminating in mediocrity. While I find the game enjoyable, will others? It's a dilemma shared by many creators, our perspective skewed by our fervent investment, akin to the adoration parents shower upon their child, oblivious to the world's gaze.
The horizon brings fresh challenges. Post testing and approval, ushering the game into players' hands emerges as the next formidable hurdle. Marketing, a realm alien to both myself and my partner, raises its enigmatic head. We're armed with a cool idea and a unique game, but within the labyrinth of enticing attention amid countless other games, will ours prevail? Our social media presence currently leaves much to be desired. Munch Creative's digital footprint is modest: two YouTube subscribers, 245 Facebook followers, 112 on Instagram, and a silent Twitter. We stand at square one. Our sights are set on an early 2023 game release. The mid-January plan is simple: attack social platforms fervently, igniting audience growth, hoping for resonance and perhaps even some enjoyment amidst the process.